Drew is like a personal trainer and nutrition coach for your consciousness.
— JS
Drew’s like the perfect mix between a Buddha and an old drinking buddy.
— CJ

British Columbia, Canada 2014


I was caught up. I had lost myself in other people again and was repeating lessons that I thought I’d already learned. There was a lot of shame and denial about it too.
— AH
There was a mountain of pain inside me and it had started coming out sideways. There was so much insecurity and anxiety and feeling worthless. There was so much grief and childhood stuff I’d never processed.
— KS
I was new in recovery. I had like 18 months clean. I wasn’t really feeling the meetings. I didn’t have great experiences with therapy either. I knew I had to work on myself so that I didn’t go back to getting high and all that, but I hadn’t found something that worked for me yet.
— SB
I was overwhelmed, socially isolated, and directionless. I was struggling with trying to balance recovery, work, and school. There was a lot of doubt and uncertainty about my future. I remember thinking to myself, “Why can’t I find the thing that will make me feel better?!” and feeling generally frustrated.
— JS
I was carrying so much sh*t from the past, so much emotional weight. There was so much from my life that I hadn’t dealt with. And then there was the pandemic and all the stress and isolation that came with that on top. I was stuck in my head constantly trying to rationalize away my feelings. My suffering had become insufferable and I wanted to escape my life so badly.
— TH
My life was a mess. I’d hit a hard bottom because of drugs and alcohol. I was just starting to get my sh*t together but I wasn’t in touch with myself at all. I didn’t know or understand what my needs were. I didn’t know how to identify what I was feeling in any given moment. I wasn’t able to communicate about my needs or feelings with others. Life was not easy.
— SK
I was completely overwhelmed and desperate for answers. My father had recently died. My son was new to recovery. I was learning about codependency for the first time. I was questioning myself and every decision I’d ever made. I was scared and not sleeping well. There was a lot going on and I was not handling it well.
— JB
I had about 2 years sober. I was feeling pretty stagnant in my recovery. I wanted a deeper meaning than just not getting high or drunk anymore. I needed to feel like I was actually making progress in my life.
— NK
I was burned out. I was coping in unhealthy ways and self-medicating. I was dissociating a lot. I’d realized that I hadn’t processed or dealt with anything from childhood or my parents’ deaths. I realized that I had to deal with my trauma.
— MG

Koh Pha Ngan, Thailand 2020


I learned so much. I learned how to feel again. I learned how to deal with things my younger self couldn’t handle. I learned how to show up for myself and stop judging myself so much. I learned that my pain and suffering were just stuff that I was carrying, and that they weren’t actually me, so I could let them go.
— TH
I knew there were feelings and memories that I had buried and hidden from myself but I didn’t know how to get to them. First, Drew helped me recognize and face some of the blocks and resistance I had. Then he helped me begin to feel and express what had been buried.
— NK
We mainly connected on a spiritual-yoga-meditation vibe. We went through my childhood stuff too, but not in a way that created more problems or diagnoses. I actually had a pretty intense spiritual awakening during our time together and he was able to provide so much support and understanding. I feel really grateful. Drew has a very natural and easy way of helping you accept yourself and wherever you’re at.
— SB
Drew helped me get out of my head and into my heart and gut. I learned how to let go of and get over some of my family programming. I learned how to express myself more honestly and emotionally and that it was okay to do that! I learned how to pay attention to myself and not believe all the stories I was telling myself. I deepened my spiritual connection and was able to grieve for my dad. And maybe most important of all, I learned that I’m okay just as I am.
— JB

Oahu, Hawaii 2023


Nowadays, I feel much lighter. I feel much more comfortable in my own skin. I trust myself more. There’s less fear in my life, and I’m not paralyzed by it anymore when it shows up. I feel more like myself. And I feel confident in myself and my ability to deal with life and whatever shows up.
— TH
Drew has helped me gain more confidence in my ability to live life on life’s terms. I’m confident that I can handle whatever life throws at me. I feel like I have a greater awareness of myself and an expanded perspective that’s helpful in so many ways.
— SK
As a result of working with Drew, I’m much more in touch with myself and my feelings. My ability to live in denial has been severely compromised. I experience way less shame and self-judgment. When I do fall into a shame-spiral, the turnaround is much quicker now. I’m more understanding, aware, and accepting of myself today. I’m not so hard on myself as I was. I also have more faith in others now and I’m willing to let people in more.
— NK
There’s a lot less judgment now, for myself and for others. I’m better at giving myself a break. I’m better at setting and holding boundaries, and my relationships have improved. Life’s just become easier.
— JM
I’ve never been the same. I’ve developed a spiritual connection and found my purpose in life as a human being. I’m always okay, even if I forget. And I have practices I can do to help me remember.
— SB
Now I’m quicker to recognize the insanity of the ego-mind and where that goes. I’m also quicker to reach out to community and ask for help. I’ve realized it’s actually a strength. Overall, I just have a lot more awareness and grace for myself.
— JS
Today I know how to navigate my emotions better. I know how to advocate for myself. I know that I’m not alone and that everybody has stuff. I know that I’m worth the effort I’m putting into working on myself. Today I’m better able to check in on myself and notice when I feel stuck or stagnant, and then do the stuff that I know can help me get back to myself.
— KS
I’m more in touch with my feelings than I have been in my whole life. My capacity to feel the stuff that’s hard to feel has grown and keeps growing. I’ve learned how to check in with myself and bring awareness and acceptance to whatever is going on for me. I’m better at understanding myself and knowing why I’m making the decisions I’m making, and I feel more confident in my ability to handle whatever life throws at me.
— AH

Turrialba, Costa Rica 2021

About Drew

I’m oh so grateful for my time with Drew. He holds such a compassionate, safe, & comfortable space.
— AC
Authenticity, compassion, and experience... Drew has them all.
— SC
Drew’s ability to actively listen to what is being said and intuitively pick up on what is not being said amazed me!
— LR
Drew’s good. You’re going to see yourself, like really see yourself. And sometimes you’re not gonna like it. And sometimes you’re gonna love it. But the whole time you’re gonna feel supported and guided and accepted.
— KS
I never felt inferior or messed up or like I needed to be fixed or like Drew was trying to fix me. I felt like I was being heard and seen without being judged. It was a real human experience.
— TH
Drew is a genuine teacher... he works on a heart and soul level.
— LM
Drew has an energy about him that makes you feel comfortable and accepted.
— KG
Drew has a way of guiding you through a journey of self-discovery without you even realizing that’s what’s happening. It starts as casual chit chat and leads into what I can only refer to as a sort of conversational “unzipping” that allows for an authentic soul to soul connection.
— MD
Drew has this unique way of helping those around him to foster inner peace and healing, even in the midst of chaos.
— AS
Drew’s presence and unconditional regard for the perfection of the spirit that resides within us all is indeed a true oasis.
— JS
Drew is the real deal.
— LL
One of the cool things about talking with Drew, is it’s like a regular conversation, but about real sh*t. We were on the same level, just talking about life.
— TH
I’ve learned so much from Drew. He provides a wonderful balance of practical wisdom and spiritual insight that has allowed me to learn a whole new way of life.
— CJ
If you have the chance and even a slight calling to work with Drew, do it!
— JM

Himachal Pradesh, India 2012