
 the issue

chronic forgetfulness

It’s a crazy world we’re living in.

Our lives move at a million miles per hour and yet we always seem to be falling further behind.

We chase promotions, titles, jobs, status, and validation. We accumulate closets full of gizmos and gadgets. We regularly trade in our new, shiny, and fancy cars, houses, and relationships for even newer, shinier, and fancier ones.

We seek short-lived comfort in shopping, food, social media, drugs, relationships, sex, etc. and then get lost in addictive patterns.

We seem desperate for anything that might bring us some sense of relief or satisfaction, yet rarely find any.

And as a result of living like this, a lot of us have lost touch with who we are and what we’re experiencing in any given moment.

We’ve become so “for-getting” all this stuff that we’ve totally forgotten ourselves.

We’ve forgotten how inherently worthy and amazing we are.

We’ve forgotten how loving, and deserving of love, we are.

We’ve forgotten our value and impact in the world and in the lives of others.

We’ve forgotten that we’re all part of the same experience.

We’ve forgotten so much.

And we’ve been practicing this way of life for so long now that our forgetfulness has become a chronic condition.

the antidote


The good news is that here and now, we can begin to remember ourselves.

With a little guidance, support, and practice, we can leave behind so much of the stress and unnecessary suffering, and open up to a simpler and more aligned experience of life. As we reinvest our energies and efforts into this process of remembering, we will see ourselves and the world in new ways. As this seeing deepens, a natural releasing of what no longer serves us occurs, leaving us lighter and freer. And as this sometimes-challenging-but-always-beautiful process unfolds, we are gradually reintroduced to ourselves and the spell of chronic forgetfulness is broken!